20 | Hillary Wright
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Hillary Wright’s skills as a nutrition expert go far beyond understanding the science of healthy diet and exercise. She is also a gifted writer and communicator of complex ideas in easy-to-understand ways. Her two books provide critical information to people seeking guidance around conditions such as prediabetes and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). She is the director for nutrition counseling for the Domar Center for Mind/Body Health (Waltham, Mass.) and a senior nutritionist for Boston’s legendary Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
During our conversation, Wright discusses the challenges faced by women with PCOS (3:00); how having two brothers with diabetes helped inspire her career in nutrition (9:00); understanding and preventing diabetes (13:00); strategies for healthy eating and why she’s not a fan of ketogenic diets (24:00); Rob’s gruel recipe (26:30); how modern life increases the risk of diet-related illness (28:00); Wright’s development as a writer and working with publishers (34:45); maintaining a productive writing discipline (39:30); the power of finding “enlightened” readers (41:30); and Thanksgiving eating and attitudes (44:00).
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Related Links
Wright's author page on Amazon
Liz Ward, dietician and writer
Michael Larsen's How to Write a Book Proposal
Domar Center for Mind/Body Health
UMass Undergraduate Program in Nutrition